women, labor market, discrimination, Serbia, European UnionAbstract
The struggle for the implementation and observance of human rights opens the way for the emancipation of women in contemporary society. Equality between women and men in all spheres of private and public life is one of the fundamental principles of the European Union, and concerning the fact that Serbia is on its way towards European integration, especially laws that support gender equality were passed. However, statistical data and relevant research in our country shows that there is still an unequal position of women in comparison to man, in political and economic life, and particularly in the labor market.The more related indicators on women position in Serbia shows that our country is among the countries with high gender inequality when compared to neighboring countries, especially if we compare data's with the European Union. Thus, the relevant statistical data and research say about the unfavorable social and economic position of women in the country, and the high proportion of unemployed women, women's lower wages, longer waiting times for work, high risk of poverty, low rate of economic and political activity and low rate of women representation in political institutions. Having in mind that data shows significant gender differences in entrepreneurship and self-employed women and men, cooperatives or unions are recognized as a model of economic empowerment of women, and as a potential alternative for the employment of women, especially vulnerable groups. In addition, it is daily visible that there is disproportionate representation of women in politics. In addition, the article points out the fact that the particular disadvantage of women from marginalized social groups is in having additional difficulties in the labor market. All this raises the need for designing significant measures to encourage women to employment, but with the possibility of reconciliation of professional obligations with the obligations relating to the care of family members (the care of children, elderly family members, etc..), but also with supporting career development: through mentoring, education and other forms of raising awareness and encouraging women's career advancement. Particularly important is the role of institutions in this process, primarily the National Employment Service, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, and other institutions and civil society through continuous awareness raising about these issues.
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