
  • Đorđe Đorđević Crnobrnja Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд


gender equality, prohibition of discrimination, penal legislation, Criminal Code, administrative penal legislation


Principle of gender equality is one of the fundamental standards of modern society. As such, it is present in many international legal acts, as well as constitutions of modern states. Likewise, Serbian constitution proclaims the principle of gender equality and protection against any kind of discrimination, including gender discrimination.

This protection is enforced with various legal measures, in the first place with the measures of penal law that includes criminal law and administrative penal law. Criminal law protection of gender equality is achieved by regulation and enforcement of certain criminal offences. Among them the most important ones are Violation of equality, Ruining the Reputation of a Nation, National and Ethnic Groups of SaM and Racial and Other Discrimination.

With these criminal offences, gender equality, being highly important social value, is absolutely protected agains severe types of offences. However, this value should be protected against minor, but also very harmful and unwanted offences as well. That is achieved with norms of administrative penal law. In that sence, Law on Prohibition of Discrimination and Law on Gender Equality have the special importance.


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How to Cite

Đorđević Crnobrnja, Đorđe . (2012). ROLE OF PENAL LEGISLATION IN PROTECTION OF GENDER EQUALITY. KULTURA POLISA, 9(2), 89–103. Retrieved from
