police, police profession, right of political organizingAbstract
The subject of this work is the term police, connected with the term police profession and from that aspect the relation between police and the right of political organizing of police members. Today the term police is used in different contexts with different meanings. The term is used for identifying organizational forms for securing institutions, companies, or activities, or this term is connected with communal inspection bodies. We can talk about judicial, forest, ecological, communal police, or about public or secret police. Any organized or uniformed group, aims to get the name "police" and the chance to gain powers and options which will apply. In fact, today, when we talk about police, we rareley refer to its organizational and functional term, as a public authority and public institution. In that context, the term is considered from organizational and functional aspect, as executive body of the state as a political reality, and as monopoly for implementing legitimate physical violence. We analize and the formal definition of police based on police powers, its organizational forms and authority in society, which as social body is determined by the law in safety circumstances to disable all phenomenons and behaviours that may lead to undesirable consequences.
The subject of analysis are and the results from the research of public opinion about police work in Republic of Macedonia in the period 2008-2012.
The other aspect of this work refers to the term police profession. In this part of the work we are searching for answer to the question, can we talk for police profession today? How somebody can become a policeman today? And who can be a policeman?
The third aspect refers to the actualization of issues related to police officers and the realization of the right of political organizing among them. It is important, to actualize at the same time and the status of officials in the political process and political parties organizations, and the question of using police and police structures in elections and election campaigns.
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