the Police, Motor Skills, State Analysis, TestsAbstract
One of the aims of physical education is to develop a global awareness of the social importance of physical exercise and development of technological methods for improving psychological and physical abilities, which can be described as a system composed of relatively independent factors in the sphere of physical, psychological, social and health characteristics of men, which allow the work out in effective, appropriate and satisfactory manner. Adequate motor skills stand out as one of the main prerequisites for the successful resolution of professional duties of police officers. Because of the importance of motor skills have in the system of selection, training, education and control their level of development of police personnel, there is a constant need for new models, improving training, development and control of the achieved level of motor skills. Aim is to present current methods of estimates motor skills in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Serbia; the identification of motor skills that are assessed; identification of motor skills with assessment of the current system is not represented and are of importance for the successful performance of professional duties; proposal on implementation of new tests which identified to be missing motor skills evaluated in the future. From the analysis of existing tests, it can be concluded that there is a need to construct a test that will assess the specific skills of students, attendants of basic police courses and ministry employees. It is necessary that the new test – a polygon assesses the ability of ground fast, accurate and agile execution of specific movements in the anaerobic-glycolytic mode, to be valid, objective and reliable. Constructing and implementing the test – a polygon, it could be achieved raising of the quality level in the system of selection and training in terms of specific motor skills necessary for appropriate, effective and safe performance of police work.
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