Cybercrime, Cybercrime Convention, Council of Europe, Countermeasures against Cybercrime, Аnalysis of Legislative Actions and Measures against CybercrimeAbstract
Comparative legal analysis of certain legal concepts of three Southeast European countries is given in the text that lies before you. The analysis refers to certain substantive and procedural criminal law area, with sub-specialization in high-tech crime issues. This analysis is to compare the legaly technical solutions in those three different cultural, social and religious social systems and the implementation under these conditions of some specific institutes of the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime. This analysis includes a number of specific national legislation and the focus of the exercise of criminal and criminal procedural legislation of the subjects of analysis. Of particular importance is the analysis carried out with proposals for the implementation of practical solutions and law - application of certain forms of technical institutes and the measures provided for in this Convention and their simplicity and pragmatism can be of great use to our legal system.
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