
  • Zoran Jevtović Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш
  • Tatjana Vulić Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш
  • Dragana Pavlović Универзитет у Нишу Филозофски факултет Ниш


statement, media, digital revolution, philosophy of media, control, networked society


Digital media enable individuals to reach a far greater accessibility, speed and amount of information than ever before, but they also change the nature of social conventions, politics, culture and the public. New forms of communication manage reality; the real message is changing through the simulated image, and a thoughtful expression, sense and meaning give way to seductive ideological assurances and promises. Internet has developed complex nature of network culture with the rise of knowledge and services production, privatization of goods and intellectual property, and the crisis of the traditional news industry, press and radio, in the first place. Modern man reads less and watches more; trusts more and suspects less; modern man is more silent and communicates less. A critical mind withdraws before aggressive, violent and manipulative media statements originated for the purpose of creating and sustaining regimes of social power.

The power of nature to create, modify and destroy human society increasingly moves to the info–sphere, with the ability of elites to impose their interests as universal, necessary and valid manifesting only through the process of creating media awareness. Conventional forms of logical thinking are being redesigned or rapidly disappearing, retreating before the onslaught of spinned, simulated and manipulative messages with the primary aim of producing support and consent. In digital world a photo wins over reality, surface wins over depth, style wins over content, while The Word is separated from the individual and instrumentalized in communication with others. Few people notice the hidden trap: the mechanisms of the media market (ratings, shares, People meters, audience research ...) favor only certain styles of living, building invisible walls of total control of supervised civic identity!


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How to Cite

Jevtović , Z. . ., Vulić , T. ., & Pavlović, D. . (2012). THE STATEMENT AND THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MEDIA NETWORKED SOCIETY. KULTURA POLISA, 9(18), 61–80. Retrieved from



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