Srem, origin, Military Border, border, Fruška gora, the brotherhood of monks and monasteriesAbstract
From the point of today's historical science, a lot has not been clarified from the past Srem. It is difficult to discern in the writings of the affected titles such as Slavs, schismatics, heretics, and similar to the end of the Serbs crystallized Raci name.The same is true when studying the Serbs in Pannonia and later in Southern Hungary. However, it is particularly difficult to understand who are the people from these names hide when it comes to the population of Srem. That the relationship between Serbs and Hungarians passed the various stages of the cooperative and those great ones do when they found themselves on opposite sides, today's science of history is much more exposed. However, much has happened since the first Orthodox monastery built in Fruska worse and Srem in late September or early th century H or raising the Hungarian court in Srem in the early twelfth century to the time of the Serbian court in Buda (Országház utca 9) from the early fifteenth century.Hungarian "ur" (dominus) became the Uros, Town and the word has entered the urban Serbs terminology, a despot Stefan Lazarevic was the first holder of the honor knights (knights) Order of the Dragon in Belgrade conferred to "chivalry", which shows the text of his biographers . Who are these knights and kind all the knights were and whence they came and to what end is a chapter which should also be discussed.
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