mass communication / culture / global society / mass media / (ab) use of media / cultural diversity.Abstract
Modern development of existing and creation of new media technologies, and internationalization of cultural heritage in the era of global networking, especially impose on the interdisciplinary scientific research attention. This paper precisely aims at indicating the importance and role of mass communication in contemporary changes in global society and its culture, through analytic sociological and cultural approach, using carefully selected, relevant bibliographic sources. The author points out, in particular the, extent to which contemporary media omnipresence enables the processes of globalization, as well as in what manner is cultural identity formed within a media-mediated reality. Also, the topic discussed is the possibility of (mis) use of mass media in bringing about cultural cooperation and diffusion of cultural elements, or encouraging inter-ethnic conflict, and realization of cultural and political nationalism in the modern world.
The conclusion of this paper emphasizes the importance of cultural foundations of human communication, which has, without doubt, always allowed, strongly encouraged and functionally followed the development of human culture. This paper represents a sort of a contribution to the already existing debates on this complex issue, stressing the importance and actualization of culture in the context of social activity of contemporary media technologies.
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