
  • Marija R Đorić Univerzitet Singidunum Fakultet za evropske pravno političke studije Novi Sad


extremism, theoretical determination, political extremism, political theory, definition of extremism


The paper deals with the theoretical definition of extremism which is a multifaceted and variable phenomenon. Extremism has historically genesis of development, but it was perceived differently in different political systems. What is the extremism represented in one socio-political community has not been accepted in the same way in another. Time dependence of the impact of different cultural, religious and customary norms, and identification with similar concepts such as terrorism, radicalism, fundamentalism and fanaticism makes more complex study of the phenomenon of extremism. It analyzes the various theoretical approaches and definitions of extremism. The correlation established by the extremism and violence, indicating the possibility of its destructive effects, which further complicates the process of its elaboration.


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How to Cite

R Đorić, M. . (2012). THEORETICAL DELIMITATION OF EXTREMISM. KULTURA POLISA, 9(17), 45–62. Retrieved from



Monographic study
