terrorism, intelligence agencies, special operations, aggression, UN CharterAbstract
Bipolar world in which everything was mostly black and white assumed countless hues. In these circumstances the creation of events mostly ceases to correspond to reality and then it becomes a false, and a virtual reality takes the advantage over a geniune reality. The fundamental power lever becomes the weapon for massive truth destruction, while the tolerance for injustice becomes almost absolute. In this way proven evil doers become 'political leaders', 'destroyed' countries become factors of regional stability, terrorist organizations become 'liberation movements', and criminals and terrorist 'freedom fighters'.
An accurate analysis of all parameters and unbiased expert evaluation of the real events in Kosovo and Metohija, that got their epilogue with creation of of the socalled 'State of Kosovo', points out that it is all about a big, well conceived, politically,economically, medium and humanitarian perfectly performed fraud, whose consequences are hard to be perceived at the moment. In regard to that, it should be emphasized that the further expert researches can not be done excluding the role of intelligence agencies and secret services of the western countries for preparation of the Balkans (Albanian) terrorism. That role is much more complexed and more efficient than it could be supposed and proved nowadays.
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