terrorism, religion, Islam, Christianity, ideology, fundamentalismAbstract
The Place of Religion in history is contraversal. Religion preaches peace and prosperity, the observance of which in humans emphasize the positive features. Unfortunately, we have witnessed the misuse of religion to justify violence, war and repression. The biggest pressure is felt in the cities, because of the population, the projected target, but also because of feelings of loneliness that typically occurs over a greater cities.
During the last decade of the twentieth century we have witnessed a deep changes in the economic, social, political, and security configuration of the world community. Today we can already see the first consequences of those changes: changed and expanded list of challenges, risks and threats. Along with their nature, content, forms and scope have changed.
In this paper, the authors have tried to, explain the terminology, and nature of the relationship between religion and terrorism and to provide suggestions for a sustainable solution to this problem.
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