
  • Želimir Kešetović Факултет безбедности Београд
  • Srđan Milašinović Криминалистичко-полицијска академија Београд


crisis, disaster, political context, methodology, research, safety


Since ancient times, people have dealt with crises and disasters, and tried to avoid these events and mitigate and minimize their consequences. Over the time, the concept of crisis is developed, but the crisis management concept as a product of the XX century. The authors present the theoretical sources of crisis management and anlyse crisis as a theoretical problem and a challenge for research. Special attention is given to the observation of the crisis in the political context, giving the possible theoretical and methodological framework for the study of crises and disaster. Public management in crisis and disaster management is becoming increasingly important and essential task of contemporary society. By the fact that it represents a serious threat to the structure of political or safety systems, the management crisis involves the strategic knowledge, prediction and control of the uncertain situation at all levels.


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How to Cite

Kešetović , Želimir ., & Milašinović, S. . (2013). METHODOLOGICAL AND POLITICAL CHALLENGES IN CRISIS AND DISASTER RESEARCH. KULTURA POLISA, 10(21), 229–248. Retrieved from



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