political identity, politics of recognition, violence, right-wing extremism, religion, cultureAbstract
Starting from basic identity postulates (later from political identity and politics of recognition), the author is analyzing the influence of extremist tendencies in our society on (re)shaping of political identity. Cause and effect relation of extremism and political identity is manifested through one of the important extremism characteristics, which is its persistent pursuit for immature, shaken, and lost identity. Because the designated key causes of extremism are unfinished urbanization, specific forms of industrialization, change of ethnic and demographic society structure, emphasized affection towards tradition and history, and national and cultural marginality, it is easy to notice that the Serbian society today is located in almost exemplary conditions for strengthening the extremist tendencies. Through analysis of extremist tendencies which are mostly expressed in the sphere of right extremism from different points of view (legal, religious, cultural, etc.), the author concludes that the dealing with this reality is of utmost importance for (re)shaping of political identity of modern Serbia, and one of the conditions for inclusion into contemporary world and time currents.
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