Eurozone, debt crisis, calculation of membership, reforms, competitiveness.Abstract
It is argued that the calculation of membership in the EU and Eurozone changes in recent years due to the debt crisis, despite the fact that none member-country opted out and thar remaining candidates never gave up to be a member. This can be changed fast. The calculation for membership will depend in the forthcoming period upon the following points: 1) the gain from common market, 2) the price of the EU regulation, 3) the size of the contribution to the funds supporting member-countries in trouble, and 4) the resolution of the current EU crisis and the future of the integration. The main problem in the EU consists in an expensive state while debt crisis is rather the manifestation of it. In order to solve the crisis of the Eurozone and EU – the largest one in their history – it is necessary to settle the problems of debts and fiscal discipline on the one side, and of the competitiveness of the EU economies on the other side. More serious reform steps are missing for now, so that the EU in the reform nirvana awaits a very uncertain future.
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