the European Union, the Western Balkans, European integration, foreign policy, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania, Macedonia, Kosovo.Abstract
In this paper, the author analyzes the prospects and outlook for full membership countries and entities of the Western Balkans into the European Union. He also points to the evolution of the development of relations between the European Union and the Western Balkans, and particularly after 1999, but at different stages of the foreign policy orientation of the region's countries (from exclusive of independence to European integration) over the past two and half decades. At the same time the author points out the existing achievements of countries and entities in the process of European integration, which are the candidate status to begin membership negotiations (Montenegro and Serbia), Macedonia and Albania to the candidate, but negotiations have not begun to Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo, which are far behind the rest of the Western Balkans. The author is particularly pointed out the problems jointly characterize the Western Balkans. They will certainly be "entered" into the European Union when it occurs. In the article then followed the presentation of the spectrum of different views of the future of the European Union. In conclusion of the article author points out the evident reluctance of leading EU countries in relation to the new enlargement, and especially Germany, Great Britain and France. However, the author concludes that it is necessary to preserve the majority of European citizens' mood states and entities of the Western Balkans and in this regard stresses the role of political elites and the media and civil society.
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