
  • Gordana Đerić Институт за европске студије Београд


production of knowledge, language, travelogues, cultural anthropology, Edward Said


In this paper, the author examines a phenomenon of production of knowledge in the sense it was approached by Edward Said (1935-2003), the author of influential works Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism. Considering production of knowledge to be a binding phenomenon of the voluminous Said’s work, the text identifies constitutive concepts of the author’s approach, by means of which he deciphered the ways and mechanisms of knowledge reproduction, deeply contingent upon the political influence and political power behind the meanings and representations conceived in such a manner. The impact of Said’s work is illustrated in changes it provoked in traditional disciplines, particularly in interpretation of literature and cultural anthropology, as well as in creation of new research fields and directions in analysis of (post)colonial studies.


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How to Cite

Đerić, G. . (2014). ON PRODUCTION OF KNOWLEDGE: EDWARD SAID. KULTURA POLISA, 11(25), 281–303. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/1209



Monographic study
