security, urban community, police, modern polisAbstract
Aristotle and Plato equate society with the policy, as a political community, and the community seen as need for the security and harmony of citizens. Although the social values have changed over the centuries, security is one of the few that has retained its original function in a modern polis, starting with the basic needs for survival from the original community and to this security concept. Security is seen as a necessary condition of the existence and development of society, because by itself it does not create anything, but only makes it possible, but we must be aware that absolute security situation does not exist and that no one can claim to be absolutely safe. Security is an essential attribute of a country, but security is also a base attribute of the urban environment. At country level, security is equated with the protection of sovereignty and territory from external hostile forces and also threats to order, and security in urban areas, primarily related to the state of crime, public order, personal and property safety, and in recent years, and the safety of terrorist attacks. The emphasis in modern security policy should be up to the individual, with the help of institutions and preventive action, and the police is one of the main sources of the city's security. To improve the security of modern polis, it is necessary to create a partnership between police, citizens and local authorities with the aim of easier finding and resolving security issues.
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