
  • Milan Subotić Институт за европске студије Београд


history, intellectual history, Russian studies, Sovietol


In this paper the author deals with the part of the historian Michael Karpovich (1888-1959), a Russian immigrant and Harvard professor whose students are the first generation of post-war played a decisive role in the development and profiling „of Russian and Soviet studies” in America. This interpretation historiographical of Karpovich positions and consider its impact on later formulated approaches to Russian and Soviet history is the recent release of the book in which they were first published his lectures on Russian intellectual history. After reviewing the biography of Karpovich, the author presents detailed concept of „intellectual history” and displays those Karpovich views on the (dis) continuity of Russian and Soviet history, which later developed or challenged his most influential students - Malia, Pipes and Hejmson.


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