Migrant as a World Citizen: (Im)Possible Political Perspectives


  • Nemanja Vukčević Novi Sad




Migrants, Global, National, Virtual State, World Government


In one of its many forms, migrations are an intrinsic characteristic of human civilization from its very beginnings until today, when they even exceed the limits of the habitat of their subject. Even with the already established laws of migration processes, it is very perilous to predict their outcome in an increasingly complex and unpredictable modern world that requires a comprehensive approach, usually empirically unverifiable. One such outcome is the model of a post-national global world whose World Government creates its extraterritorial population in a virtual state, providing it with identity and rights in reality.


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How to Cite

Vukčević, N. . (2021). Migrant as a World Citizen: (Im)Possible Political Perspectives . KULTURA POLISA, 18(46), 99–104. https://doi.org/10.51738/Kpolisa2021.18.3r.1.07
