
  • Snežana Besermenji Природно-математички факултет Нови Сад
  • Tatjana Pivac Природно-математички факултет Нови Сад


Vojvodina, Croats, ethnic distance, the Roman Catholic Church


In the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, according to the last census of 2011, there were 1 931 809 inhabitants, of which 2.43% are Croats. They are not in an environment not dominant, but in a number of municipalities are second in number, as in Beocin, Indjija, Ruma, Sremska Mitrovica, Subotica, and Sid. After the First World War, the number of all ethnic groups is on the rise, except the Hungarians and Romanians. The extreme increase in the number of Croats as a result of changes in the declaration of previous Bunjevci, respectively, their converting into Croats. In addition to ethnic distance, the best indicator of the acceptance of members of other ethnic groups and their religion's attitude toward their sacred objects, which are one of the most going to other elements of culture of a people, for religion, as a basis of each nation, has its particular material heritage as sacred objects. On the territory of Vojvodina there is a large number of Croatian Roman Catholic Church, and ten representing the cultural heritage of great importance, as evidenced by the socio - economic and cultural - historical development of Croats in Vojvodina.


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How to Cite

Besermenji , S. ., & Pivac, T. . (2015). ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH CROATS IN VOJVODINAC . KULTURA POLISA, 12(28), 455–462. Retrieved from



Review Article
