
  • Vera Despotović Факултет за медије и комуникацију Београд
  • Đorđe Stojanović Институт за политичке студије Београд


social exclusion, social inclusion, social policy, social policy of the EU institutions


The development of social processes in the EU is very complex and multidimensional. The question of the metamorphosis of social systems and the integration of social policies at EU level, is today one of the basic issues in the EU and one of the perspectives that confirms or destroys the legitimacy of this clearly supra-national political entity. Despite the great efforts made in this area, in the period since 2000, social policy is still directly extracted from the economic integration of the EU, which is aimed at achieving economic goals. In this way, the Member States are faced with social risks that are not able to solve at the national level, because they are largely restricted to the set of EU economic policies.


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Internet izvori:

Evropska unija:

Evropska komisija:

Evropski savet:

Evropski parlament:

Savet Evropske unije:

Savet Evrope:

Savet Evrope – demokratija, vladavina prava i ljudska prava

Lisabonski ugovor:




How to Cite

Despotović , V. . ., & Stojanović, Đorđe . (2015). THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL INCLUSION: THE EU PERSPECTIVE . KULTURA POLISA, 12(28), 373–385. Retrieved from



Monographic study
