planning, risk, crisis, strategy, uncertainty, decision-makingAbstract
Today, the managers are faced with difficult and complex tasks that, especially in crisis situation, they must respond to by rapidly making so many decisions that should be based on proven analyses and information. The subject of this paper is decisionmaking in crisis situations that could disrupt and threaten the operations of organizations that are faced with them. By adequate management of public relations crisis can be significantly mitigated, and the reputation of the organization can be maintained. The aim of this paper is to present ways an organization can successfully overcome the crisis situation and to indicate the company's ability to "communicate" the positive components of the crisis in order to demonstrate that the crisis does not necessarily represent the unpleasant and negative phenomenon but may represent one productive process. The paper is designed to follow the structure that in the first part provides definitions and general explanations of the process of decision-making in crisis situations. A special part of the paper analyzes the decision-making phases, the role and importance of decision-making, as well as conditions of making decisions. Also, the subject of special analysis are the types of crises, life cicle of the crises, as well as methods of decision-making. Methodological approach to research requires the use of analytical and general scientific methods. The final part of the paper presents the influence of the media in crisis situations.
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