Inertness of the Educational System as an Inhibitor Of Security Culture in Education


  • Željko Đ. Bjelajac Faculty of Law for Commerce and Judiciary Novi Sad
  • Aleksandar M. Filipović Faculty of Economics and Engineering Management Novi Sad



security, security culture, human nature, human existence, education system


Security culture is an integral part of human culture, and its initial postulates can be found in proto-communities of people. Also, a safety culture, or a culture of safe living, is an integral part of the process of raising and educating children. However, at some point, which coincides with the beginning of the process of formal education, the adoption of the principle of security culture begins to lose importance, resulting in entire generations who do not have a sufficiently developed security awareness, which in turn leads to increased security challenges and reduced opportunities to respond adequately to these challenges, first at the individual level and then at higher and more complex levels. This leads to the conclusion that in terms of knowledge transfer and the formation of security awareness, the education system is not fulfilling its function in the best way. This paper aims to investigate the elements of the education system, identify the factors that make the education system rigid and inert, as well as to determine the share of inertia of the education system against the elements of human nature, and by crossing all these data to give recommendations that could lead to an increased level of safety awareness through the joint work of all relevant factors identified in this paper.


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How to Cite

Đ. Bjelajac , Željko, & M. Filipović, A. (2021). Inertness of the Educational System as an Inhibitor Of Security Culture in Education. KULTURA POLISA, 18(1), 175–188.
