Modern and Postmodern Concept of Childhood in the Light Of Ensuring Child Safety in Digital Society
children, digital environment, internet, safety, culture of controlAbstract
The context of this paper is the position of children in the digital environment, with a special emphasis on the risks to child safety that arise in this context and how it creates modern concepts of childhood. New mobile and internet technologies create new opportunities for children's development, but at the same time create new risks. This creates a framework in which the sociotechnological context influences the creation of security policy, and vice versa. The paper points out several aspects of modern, digital society, which significantly change the current postulates on which society's care for children is based - special treatment and content of children's human rights as users of digital technology, then additional mechanisms of legal regime of personal data protection, as well as the culture of control as the primary narrative in creating public policies for child safety in the digital environment. Without intending to go into the details of legal regimes, the paper emphasizes a kind of juxtaposition of the aspirations of modern society, that wants to achieve security through control and at the same time enable free development of children into adults.
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