Public services, BiH, credibility, ethics, journalistsAbstract
Bosnia and Herzegovina is very poor and half of the people are unemployed. Employed people struggle to keep their jobs. In this situation are journalists as well so they are often afraid to write or say what they really think. Because of that public lost confidence in media, and especially in public services, what is the goal of the research. Besides, the goal was to prove that audience is aware of censorship in public services. In this way those media lost credibility. The results unambiguously say that journalism as a profession is in crisis and that journalists lost their reputation and confidence of citizens. Methods used in this research are methods of analysis and classification, dialectic and behavioral method. We used hypothetical-deductive in order to present facts that include real experiences of audience. Statistical method was used as well. The work required use of techniques of data collection through interviews and surveys and analysis of content method.
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