
  • Zoran S. Nikolić Факултет за економију и инжењерски менаџмент Нови Сад


unemployment, poverty, social exclusion, material deprivation, standard of living


Widespread social crisis in Vojvodina did not start yesterday. Its roots date back to the mid-seventies of the last century. The dramatic events in the nineties created conditions for its intensification, and the problems of a failed democratic transition of society in all its segments, has furthered impoverishment of a majority of the population and split society into two classes: the upper- of few who are the wealthiest individuals and families and the bottom-of a vast majority of citizens who live in different categories of poverty and material deprivation. The middle class has been rapidly vanishing as a social category and together with it the necessary balance of society as well as important channels of vertical mobility. This paper tries to determine the origin, forms and types of correlation between a wider set of social developments in this area with the phenomena of unemployment, absolute and relative poverty, standards of living, social exclusion and material deprivation.


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How to Cite

S. Nikolić, Z. . (2015). UNEMPLOYMENT TRENDS AND STANDARDS OF LIVING IN VOJVODINA FROM 2012 TO 2014 . KULTURA POLISA, 12(26), 405–426. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/1021



Monographic study
