women, gender, feminism, urban safety, fear, public spacesAbstract
Focusing on the topic of urban safety, as one of the basic qualities of urban life, inevitably leads to further researches of how the women feel in the urban environments, and also in what manner the feminist sciences and movements exerted their influence upon the development of relevant theory and practice. Making a significant part of the population, women, particularly in the cities, enforced their right to freedom and space, in the sense of their mobility, education, work and leisure time, however, they still feel exposed, excluded or endangered when certain urban spaces are concerned. It was much earlier than the profession became interested in issue of urban safety, that the feminist studies pointed out to it and initiated certain actions that later on have been accepted and supported on a wider scale. This paper combines multidisciplinary knowledge, deals with the topic of personal feeling of safety, the importance of the public spaces in the urban environments, the manner of their use, fear and other negative consequences, and particularly focuses on the conclusions being the results of the researches within the female gender urban population. Finally, some basic recommendations have been provided, in the form of preventive measures, for increase of safety in public urban spaces, which might contribute to its adequate and more frequent use.
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