
  • Dragan Petrović Институт за међународну политику и привреду Београд


Ukrainen krisis; pro-Russian South-East; Galicia; In February 2014 violent demonstrations;Krimea; Lugansk and Donetsk oblast; Novorrosia


In this paper author analyzes the crisis in Ukraine, originated in autumn 2013, after giving up of the Azarov and President Janukovic’s Government to sign Agreement on Cooperation and Association with European Union, under existing circumstances. In February 2014 violent demonstrations of the pro west opposition led to the takeover of power on the streets. That led to discontent of the Russian speaking South-East of the country, which during the spring asked for the guarantees for its position and federalization of Ukraine, and parallel with that Crimea seceded and returned to Russia. The riots came after, massacre in Odessa and then armed conflicts in the East of Ukraine, that were two times interrupted by truce - agreements from Minsk. Because of large differences in interests between pro-Russian South-East and western part of the country, especially Galicia in the North-West, and irreconcilability of new Government in Kiev, there is little chance that existing conflicts are to be solved by compromise. The influence of foreign powers, primarily United States of America, but also the influence of the extreme-right movements on the Northwest of the country contribute to that too.


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How to Cite

Petrović, D. . (2015). CRISIS IN UKRAINE 2013-2015 . KULTURA POLISA, 12(26), 219–236. Retrieved from



Monographic study
