
  • Radoslav Gaćinović Институту за политичке студије Београд


state, army, armed forces, professional army, control of armed forces


In the course of history, the institution of army had undergone through many transformations. Unrelated to their scope and inner character, these developments were constant during the whole historical lifetime of the concept of armed forces. We can distinguish three critical points of the military transition. Each of them was characterized by the new concepts and demands related to the organization and mission of the army. The idea of modern, mass army emerged in the late 18th century, simultaneously with social and political changes driven by French and American revolutions. Compulsory military service of citizens was in the very core of this concept. Idea of mass army was widely accepted after the year 1870, and it was prevalent during the courses of both the Great War and the Second World War.The model of mass army was questioned in the time of the Cold War. At the beginning of 21st century, army is again on the verge of transition, especially when numerical and organizational aspects are considered. Moreover, raison d’etre of the whole concept of armed forces is frequently questioned.Before the end of the Cold War, key relations between the armed forces and society were perceived in the context of possible threats, i.e. potential armed conflicts and perception of threats. Army was expected to provide with the possible responses for security challenges. Furthermore, key difference between modern (mass) armies and postmodern armed forces lies in the importance and scope of perceived threats. Historical examples confirm that creation of modern army coincided with the creation of modern nation-state. Since then, army is considered a “crown” of national sovereignty, i.e. the indicator of concrete power that one state can project. The purpose of modern army is still related to the defense of sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of a nation against any mean of foreign aggression. In other words, classical aim of armed forces of one state is to secure the peace for the benefit of its citizens. In peacetime, army is expected to conduct continuous preparations, permanent practice and to be well equipped. In the event of war, army must be able to apply efficiently all those measures and activities prepared and practiced during the peacetime. In other words, the army must be able to defeat the enemy and to protect the state.


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How to Cite

Gaćinović, R. . (2015). HISTORICAL ROLE OF THE ARMY IN BUILDING OF MODERN NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEMS . KULTURA POLISA, 12(26), 203–218. Retrieved from https://kpolisa.com/index.php/kp/article/view/1008



Monographic study
