
  • Duško Kuzović Ужице


architectural heritage, protection of cultural monuments, the theory of monument protection, financing architectural monuments, memorial income


The Architectural Heritage represents an important resource for the society. The changed economic conditions require a review of ways of using architectural heritage. The monuments, if they participate in the creation or increase profits, have the right to participate in it. It is necessary to develop ways of public-private partnerships in the area of presentation of architectural monuments. The modern concept of protection of architectural monuments seeking the division of responsibility for the monumental heritage between government and citizens. It is necessary to define what kind of messages and documents containing the monument and on the basis of a strategy to build its presentation. The ratio of public monument is dynamic and not a static process. It is necessary to undertake activities to radical reorganization of the system of protection of cultural monuments. The goal should be: to protect the architectural heritage and make it an active participant in social life.


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How to Cite

Kuzović, D. . (2015). ARCHITECTURAL HERITAGE AND MARKET . KULTURA POLISA, 12(26), 119–129. Retrieved from



Monographic study
